
Top 10 Scholarships in Italy for International Students


Scholarships in Italy for International Students act as guides to new opportunities, these scholarships lead students toward their aspirations and spark a deep-seated enthusiasm for continuous learning. Whether delving into ancient history in Rome, exploring engineering in Milan, or immersing oneself in art in Florence, these scholarships serve as portals to Italy’s rich history and dynamic future.

Italy, with its rich history, vibrant culture, and world-renowned universities, is an attractive destination for international students seeking quality education. To support the academic pursuits of students from around the world, various scholarships are offered by Italian institutions, government bodies, and private organizations.
These Scholarships in Italy for international students cover a certain range of fields of study, academic levels, and financial needs, providing opportunities for talented individuals to pursue their educational aspirations in Italy. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the top 10 scholarships available for international students in Italy, highlighting their eligibility criteria, benefits, application process, and significance in fostering academic excellence and cultural exchange.

The Top 10 Scholarships in Italy for International Students

Top 10 Scholarships in Italy for International Students

 1. Italian Government Scholarships for Foreign Students (MAECI Scholarships)

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) offers scholarships to international students wishing to pursue study, training, and research programs at Italian public universities and institutions.


    • Candidates need to be nationals of nations outside of the European Union (EU).
    • Academic requirements vary depending on the level of study.
    • Language proficiency in Italian or English, depending on the course of study.


    • Tuition fee waivers.
    • Monthly stipend for living expenses.
    • Health insurance coverage.
    • Round-trip airfare.

Application Process:

    • Applications are typically submitted through the Italian diplomatic mission or embassy in the applicant’s home country.
    • Applicants must complete the online application form and provide the required documents.
    • Selection is based on academic merit, language proficiency, and research/project proposals.


    • Supports the internationalization of Italian universities.
    • Fosters academic and cultural exchange.
    • Enhances Italy’s reputation as a global education hub.

 2. University-Specific Scholarships

Many Italian universities offer their own scholarships to attract talented international students to their programs. These Scholarships in Italy for international students may be merit-based, need-based, or specific to certain fields of study.


    • Criteria vary by university and scholarship.
    • Generally based on academic merit, financial need, or specific research interests.


    • Tuition fee waivers or reductions.
    • Monthly stipends for living expenses.
    • Research grants for postgraduate students.
    • Accommodation support.

Application Process:

    • Check with the specific university for available scholarships and their requirements.
    • Submit an online application, along with required documents such as transcripts, recommendation letters, and a statement of purpose.
    • Deadlines and procedures vary by university and scholarship.


    • Attracts top international talent to Italian universities.
    • Supports students in pursuing their academic goals.
    • Strengthens university-industry collaborations through research grants.

3. Politecnico di Milano Scholarships

Politecnico di Milano, one of Italy’s leading technical universities, offers scholarships to international students applying to Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs in Engineering, Architecture, and Design.


    • International students may apply to programs that meet the requirements.
    • Based on academic excellence and potential contribution to the field.


    • Partial or full tuition fee waivers.
    • Accommodation assistance.
    • Mentorship programs.

Application Process:

    • Apply for admission to an eligible program at Politecnico di Milano.
    • Submit a scholarship application, including academic transcripts, a CV, and a motivation letter.
    • Selection is based on academic merit and potential.


    • Supports international students pursuing technical education.
    • Encourages diversity and global perspectives in engineering and design fields.
    • Promotes innovation through research and industry collaborations.

4. Study Grants for International Students at Bologna University

The University of Bologna, one of the oldest universities in Europe, offers study grants to international students enrolled in Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs.


    • Depending on academic merit, open to students from abroad.
    • Must be enrolled in an eligible program at the University of Bologna.


    • Partial tuition fee waivers.
    • Stipends for living expenses.
    • Research and study opportunities.

Application Process:

    • Apply for admission to an eligible program at the University of Bologna.
    • Submit a scholarship application, including academic transcripts and a statement of purpose.
    • Academic distinction and contributing potential are the main criteria for selection.


    • Supports international students in pursuing higher education at a prestigious institution.
    • Promotes academic excellence and research in diverse fields of study.
    • Enhances cultural diversity and cross-cultural understanding within the university community.

5. Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s Degrees

Erasmus Mundus is a prestigious international education program funded by the European Union, offering joint Master’s degrees in various fields across multiple European countries, including Italy.


    • Open to students worldwide, including EU and non-EU citizens.
    • Varies by program, but is generally based on academic excellence and language proficiency.


    • Full scholarships cover tuition fees, travel, and living expenses.
    • Multiple study periods in different European countries.
    • Internship and research opportunities.

Application Process:

    • Apply directly to the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s program of interest.
    • Submit required documents, including academic transcripts, CV, and recommendation letters.
    • Participate in the selection process, which may include interviews or written tests.


    • Offers a unique opportunity for international students to earn a joint degree from prestigious European universities.
    • Promotes international cooperation in education and research.
    • Enhances students’ global perspectives and intercultural skills.

6. Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies Scholarships

The Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies in Pisa offers scholarships to international students enrolled in its Master’s and Ph.D. programs in various fields, including Economics, Law, and Life Sciences.


    • Accessible to students from outside based on academic merit.
    • Must be enrolled in an eligible program at the Sant’Anna School.


    • Tuition fee waivers or reductions.
    • Monthly stipends for living expenses.
    • Research grants for Ph.D. students.

Application Process:

    • Apply for admission to an eligible program at the Sant’Anna School.
    • Submit a scholarship application, including academic transcripts, research proposals (for Ph.D. applicants), and recommendation letters.
    • Selection is based on academic excellence, research potential, and fit with the program.


    • Attracts top international talent to the Sant’Anna School’s advanced study programs.
    • Encourages innovative and cutting-edge research across a range of disciplines.
    • Fosters collaboration with international partners and institutions.

7. Scuola Normale Superiore Scholarships

The Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa offers scholarships to international students enrolled in its Ph.D. programs in Humanities, Sciences, and Social Sciences.


    • Accessible to students from overseas on the basis of academic merit.
    • Must be enrolled in an eligible Ph.D. program at the Scuola Normale Superiore.


    • Full tuition fee waivers.
    • Monthly stipends for living expenses.
    • Research grants and travel funds.

Application Process:

    • Apply for admission to an eligible Ph.D. program at the Scuola Normale Superiore.
    • Submit a scholarship application, including academic transcripts, research proposals, and recommendation letters.
    • Participate in the selection process, which may include interviews or written tests.


    • Provides financial support and research opportunities for international Ph.D. students.
    • Strengthens the Scuola Normale Superiore’s reputation as a center of excellence in advanced studies.
    • Encourages international collaboration and academic exchange.

8. Fulbright Program for Italy

The Fulbright Program, funded by the U.S. Department of State, offers scholarships for American students, scholars, and professionals to study, research, or teach in Italy.


    • Open to U.S. citizens, including students, scholars, and professionals.
    • Varies by program, but generally based on academic merit and project proposal.


    • Grants for study, research, or teaching in Italy.
    • Assistance with living expenses, health insurance, and travel.
    • Cultural enrichment activities and networking opportunities.

Application Process:

    • Apply using the web application portal for the Fulbright Program.
    • Submit required documents, including academic transcripts, project proposals, and letters of recommendation.
    • Participate in the selection process, which may include interviews or written assessments.


    • Promotes educational and cultural exchange between the U.S. and Italy.
    • Supports collaborative research and academic partnerships.
    • Enhances participants’ cross-cultural understanding and professional development.

9. INPS Scholarships for International Students

The Italian National Social Security Institute (INPS) offers scholarships to international students pursuing Master’s or Ph.D. programs in Italy.


    • Open to international students based on academic merit and financial need.
    • Must be enrolled in an eligible program at an Italian university.


    • Financial support for living expenses and education.
    • Health insurance coverage.
    • Support for research or internship opportunities.

Application Process:

    • Apply for admission to an eligible program at an Italian university.
    • Submit a scholarship application to the INPS office, including academic transcripts, financial statements, and a statement of purpose.
    • Selection is based on academic merit, financial need, and fit with the program.


    • Supports international students with limited financial means in pursuing higher education.
    • Encourages diversity and inclusivity within Italian universities.
    • Enhances Italy’s reputation as a welcoming and accessible destination for international students.

10. Foundation for Worldwide Cooperation Scholarships

The Foundation for Worldwide Cooperation (Fondazione per la Cooperazione Internazionale) offers scholarships to international students pursuing Master’s or Ph.D. programs in Italy.


    • Open to international students from developing countries.
    • Based on academic merit, leadership potential, and commitment to social development.


    • Tuition fee waivers or reductions.
    • Monthly stipends for living expenses.
    • Support for community projects or research initiatives.

Application Process:

    • Apply for admission to an eligible program at an Italian university.
    • Submit a scholarship application to the Foundation, including academic transcripts, CV, and a project proposal.
    • Selection is based on academic excellence, leadership qualities, and potential impact.


    • Supports students from developing countries in pursuing higher education.
    • Fosters collaboration and partnerships between Italian institutions and global communities.
    • Promotes social development and sustainable practices through research and community projects.

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Precise Tips on How to Find Scholarships in Italy for International Students

Here are straightforward tips on how to find scholarships in Italy for international students:

1. University Websites: Visit the Italian universities’ official websites. International students can apply for scholarships offered by numerous universities. Look for the “Scholarships” or “Financial Aid” sections on the university’s website.

2. Scholarship Databases: Explore online scholarship databases that list opportunities for studying in Italy. Websites like “ScholarshipPortal,” “Scholarship-Positions,” and “Study in Italy” provide comprehensive listings of scholarships in Italy for international students.

3. Government Websites: Visit the official websites of the Italian government or relevant government agencies. They often have information about scholarships in Italy for international students and financial aid programs available for international students.

4. Embassy or Consulate Offices: Contact the Italian embassy or consulate in your home country. They can provide information on scholarships offered by the Italian government, universities, or private organizations.

5. Research Institutes and Organizations: Look into research institutes, foundations, and organizations in Italy. Many of them offer scholarships and funding for international students pursuing research or specific fields of study.

6. Specific Field Scholarships: If you have a particular field of study or research interest, search for scholarships specific to that area. Many organizations and institutions offer scholarships in Italy for international students in fields such as the arts, sciences, engineering, or humanities.

7. Professional Associations: Check if there are professional associations related to your field of study. They often provide information on scholarships, grants, and awards available for students pursuing careers in that field.

8. Online Searches: Use search engines to look for scholarships in Italy for international students. Use keywords such as “scholarships in Italy for international students,” “study abroad funding in Italy,” or “financial aid for studying in Italy.”

9. Social Media and Forums: Join social media groups or forums related to studying in Italy. These platforms often share information about opportunities for scholarships in Italy for international students, application tips, and the experiences of other students.

10. Reach Out to Universities: If you have specific universities in mind, reach out to their international student offices or admissions departments. They can provide details about Scholarships in Italy for international students available at their institution and application requirements.

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The Benefits of Scholarships in Italy for International Students and its Alumni

Top 10 Scholarships in Italy for International Students

Scholarships in Italy for international students provide more than just financial assistance; they serve as gateways to a world of opportunities, personal growth, and professional advancement. These scholarships offer a range of advantages that continue to benefit alumni long after their studies.

Let’s delve into these benefits:

• Cultural Enrichment and Global Perspective: Studying in Italy, known for its rich history, art, and culture, provides international students with a profound cultural experience. Alumni of Italian scholarships often find themselves enriched with a deeper understanding of the Italian language, history, and traditions.
This exposure broadens their perspectives, instills a sense of global citizenship, and fosters cross-cultural understanding. Alumni return home with a newfound appreciation for diversity, equipped to navigate an increasingly interconnected world.
• Academic Excellence and Professional Development: Scholarships in Italy are often awarded to talented students with exceptional academic records. As a result, alumni benefit from world-class faculty, state-of-the-art facilities, and innovative learning environments.
This academic excellence not only enhances their knowledge and skills but also opens doors to lucrative career prospects. Alumni find themselves well-prepared to excel in their chosen fields, whether in academia, research, industry, or entrepreneurship.
• Networking and Collaboration: During their time in Italy, scholarship recipients connect with fellow students, faculty members, and industry professionals from around the world. This network becomes invaluable as alumni navigate their post-graduate careers.
They become part of a global community of scholars, researchers, and professionals, facilitating collaboration on international projects, research endeavors, and professional initiatives. The connections made during their scholarship tenure continue to benefit them throughout their careers.
• Language Proficiency and Communication Skills: Many scholarships in Italy for international students require them to learn Italian or improve their proficiency in the language. This linguistic immersion equips alumni with valuable language skills, enhancing their marketability and competitiveness in the global job market.
Alumni return home with the ability to communicate effectively in Italian, opening doors to career opportunities in multinational companies, diplomatic missions, cultural organizations, and academia.
• Cultural Diplomacy and International Relations: Alumni of scholarships in Italy often become cultural ambassadors for their home countries. Their experiences studying abroad and immersing themselves in Italian culture allow them to bridge cultural gaps, foster mutual understanding, and promote cultural exchange.
Alumni play pivotal roles in strengthening diplomatic relations between Italy and their home countries, facilitating partnerships in education, research, and cultural initiatives. Alumni contribute to building a more connected and peaceful world through their cultural diplomacy efforts.
• Leadership and Community Engagement: The experience of studying abroad on a scholarship fosters leadership skills and a sense of responsibility towards one’s community. Alumni often return with a renewed sense of purpose, eager to make a positive impact in their societies.
They engage in community development projects, volunteer work, and advocacy initiatives, leveraging their knowledge and skills for the greater good. Alumni become catalysts for change, inspiring others to pursue education, embrace diversity, and contribute to the advancement of society.
• Access to Alumni Networks and Resources: Many scholarship programs in Italy offer alumni access to exclusive networks, resources, and career development opportunities. Alumni associations, mentorship programs, and alumni events provide ongoing support and connections long after graduation.
These networks serve as platforms for professional growth, job placements, and collaboration on research projects. Alumni benefit from a sense of belonging to a global community of scholars, fostering lifelong friendships and professional partnerships.
• Research Opportunities and Innovation: Italy is renowned for its research-intensive universities and cutting-edge research facilities. Alumni of scholarships in Italy have the opportunity to engage in groundbreaking research projects, collaborate with leading scholars, and contribute to advancements in their fields.
This exposure to research excellence sparks innovation, creativity, and critical thinking skills among alumni. They return to their home countries with a wealth of knowledge, ideas, and research methodologies that fuel innovation and drive progress in various sectors.
• Personal Growth and Resilience: Studying abroad on a scholarship in Italy is a transformative experience that challenges students to step out of their comfort zones, adapt to new environments, and overcome cultural barriers. Alumni develop resilience, independence, and a global mindset that serves them well in their personal and professional lives. They emerge from their scholarship experience with a newfound sense of confidence, self-awareness, and adaptability, ready to tackle the challenges of a rapidly changing world.
• The Legacy of Giving Back and Paying It Forward: Alumni of scholarships in Italy often feel a deep sense of gratitude for the opportunities afforded to them. Many choose to give back to their alma mater, scholarship fund, or community, ensuring that future generations of students can benefit from similar opportunities. Alumni become mentors, sponsors, and advocates for aspiring scholars, sharing their experiences and insights to guide others on their academic journeys. This legacy of giving back creates a cycle of support and empowerment, enriching the lives of countless individuals for years to come.
Therefore, scholarships in Italy for international students empower alumni with a diverse set of skills, experiences, and connections that shape their personal and professional trajectories. These scholarships pave the way for cultural enrichment, academic excellence, and global engagement, creating a lasting impact on alumni and the communities they serve. Alumni of scholarships in Italy become ambassadors of knowledge, leaders of change, and champions of cross-cultural understanding, contributing to a more connected and inclusive world.
Through their experiences studying in Italy, alumni carry forward a legacy of excellence, innovation, and collaboration, enriching their lives and the lives of those around them. They embody the spirit of curiosity, resilience, and global citizenship, leaving an indelible mark on the world and shaping the future of education and society.
As alumni of scholarships in Italy, they stand as testaments to the transformative power of education, the resilience of the human spirit, and the boundless potential of global collaboration. They continue to inspire, empower, and lead, making a positive difference wherever their paths may lead.
In conclusion, scholarships in Italy for international students provide opportunities for academic excellence, cultural exchange, and research innovation. From government-funded programs to university-specific awards and international collaborations, these scholarships support students from all backgrounds and fields of study.
By availing themselves of these opportunities, international students can not only pursue their educational goals but also contribute to the vibrant academic community in Italy. Whether it’s studying art in Florence, engineering in Milan, or humanities in Rome, Italy’s scholarships open doors to a world of knowledge, culture, and discovery.
As students embark on their academic journeys in Italy, they become part of a rich tapestry of history and innovation, shaping the future of their fields and fostering global understanding. Through these top 10 scholarships, Italy invites the world to explore its universities, embrace its culture, and contribute to the ever-evolving landscape of international education.
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