
Full List of Scholarships in Asia (2024)


Scholarships in Asia encompass a diverse array of opportunities designed to support students in pursuing their educational aspirations across the continent. From government-sponsored initiatives to university-specific programs and private foundations, scholarships play a salient role in expanding access to higher education and fostering academic excellence. In this introduction, we will explore the various aspects of scholarships in Asia, highlighting the various scholarships available, their benefits and how it promotes educational equity, and the opportunities they provide for students to pursue their academic and professional goals.


Benefits of Scholarships in Asia

Scholarships in Asia

Scholarships in Asia offer a multitude of benefits to students, institutions, and societies as a whole. These scholarships play a pivotal role in expanding access to education, promoting academic excellence, empowering marginalized groups, fostering diversity and inclusion, nurturing talent, promoting social impact, and preparing students for success in a globalized world.

Firstly, scholarships in Asia serve as a critical tool for increasing access to education. By providing financial assistance to deserving students, scholarships ensure that individuals from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds have the opportunity to pursue higher education. Many students face financial barriers that prevent them from accessing quality education, and scholarships help to alleviate these obstacles by covering tuition fees, living expenses, and other educational costs.

Secondly, scholarships in Asia recognize and reward academic achievement, motivating students to strive for excellence in their studies. By incentivizing academic performance, scholarships foster a culture of academic excellence within educational institutions and encourage students to reach their full potential. This emphasis on academic achievement contributes to the overall quality of education and helps to produce skilled professionals and future leaders.

Moreover, scholarships in Asia prioritize marginalized and underrepresented groups, including women, minorities, and individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds. By providing targeted support to these groups, scholarships empower individuals to overcome systemic barriers to education and pursue their academic and professional goals. This focus on equity and inclusion helps to create a more diverse and representative student body, enriching the educational experience for all.

Additionally, scholarships in Asia offer opportunities for international exchange, study abroad programs, and research collaborations, enabling students to gain valuable global experience. Exposure to different cultures, languages, and perspectives broadens students’ horizons and prepares them to thrive in an interconnected world. These global opportunities enhance students’ cross-cultural competence and equip them with the skills and knowledge needed to navigate diverse environments.

Furthermore, many scholarships in Asia include community service or leadership components, encouraging recipients to give back to their communities and make a positive impact. Through volunteerism, activism, and service projects, students develop a sense of social responsibility and become agents of change in their societies. This focus on community engagement fosters a spirit of civic-mindedness and promotes social cohesion and solidarity.

Hence, scholarships in Asia play a vital part in expanding access to education, promoting academic excellence, empowering marginalized groups, fostering diversity and inclusion, nurturing talent, promoting social impact, and preparing students for success in an increasingly interconnected world. By investing in the education of promising individuals, scholarships contribute to the development of skilled professionals and future leaders who can drive innovation, economic growth, and social progress in Asia and beyond.

Full List of Scholarships in Asia (2024)

Scholarships in Asia
Here is a detailed list of scholarships available in Asia:

1. Asian Development Bank-Japan Scholarship Program (ADB-JSP): This scholarship is offered by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in partnership with the Government of Japan. It provides full tuition fees, a monthly stipend for living expenses, housing allowance, and travel expenses for students from ADB member countries to pursue postgraduate studies in development-related fields at participating universities in Asia and the Pacific.

2. Chinese Government Scholarship: The Chinese Government Scholarship supports international students pursuing undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral studies in Chinese universities. It provides a monthly living allowance, housing, and tuition. Applicants can apply directly to Chinese universities or through the Chinese embassy in their home country.

3. Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship: Offered by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT) of Japan, this scholarship provides financial support to international students for undergraduate, postgraduate, and research programs in Japan. It covers tuition fees, accommodation, monthly stipend, and travel expenses.

4. Korean Government Scholarship Program (KGSP): Administered by the National Institute for International Education (NIIED) under the Ministry of Education of South Korea, the KGSP offers scholarships for international students to pursue undergraduate, postgraduate, and research programs in Korean universities. It covers tuition fees, airfare, living expenses, and Korean language training.

5. Singapore International Graduate Award (SINGA): The SINGA Scholarship is offered by the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), the National University of Singapore (NUS), and the Nanyang Technological University (NTU). It supports international students for PhD studies in Singapore in the fields of science and engineering. The scholarship pays for extra benefits as well as tuition and a monthly stipend.

6. Taiwan Scholarship Program: Sponsored by the Taiwanese government, this scholarship supports international students for undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral studies in Taiwan. It covers tuition fees, accommodation, living expenses, and round-trip airfare.

7. Thailand International Postgraduate Program (TIPP): The TIPP Scholarship is offered by the Thailand International Cooperation Agency (TICA) to students from developing countries in Asia, Africa, and the Pacific. It supports postgraduate studies in various fields at Thai universities and covers tuition fees, accommodation, and a monthly stipend.

8. Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS): The HKPFS is a fully-funded scholarship scheme for PhD studies in Hong Kong. It is offered by the Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong and covers tuition fees, a monthly stipend, and conference and research-related travel expenses.

9. India Scholarship Program: The Indian government offers various scholarships for international students to study in India, including the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) Scholarship, Commonwealth Scholarship, and others. The living expenses, housing costs, and tuition are all covered by these scholarships.

10. Malaysia International Scholarship (MIS): The MIS is offered by the Malaysian government to international students for postgraduate studies in Malaysia. It covers tuition fees, monthly stipend, and other allowances.

11. Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education (LPDP): LPDP provides scholarships for Indonesian students to pursue postgraduate studies, both domestically and abroad. It covers tuition fees, living expenses, research funding, and other allowances.

12. Brunei Darussalam Government Scholarship: The Brunei government offers scholarships to international students for undergraduate and postgraduate studies in Brunei Darussalam. It includes housing, tuition, and a monthly stipend.

13. Philippines Government Scholarship: The Philippine government offers various scholarships, including the Philippine Scholarship Program (PSP) and the Science Education Institute (SEI) Scholarship, for Filipino and international students to pursue higher education in the Philippines.

14. Vietnam Government Scholarship: The Vietnamese government offers scholarships for international students to study in Vietnam, including the Vietnamese Government Scholarship and the ASEAN Scholarship. The living expenses, housing costs, and tuition are all covered by these scholarships.

15. Nepal Government Scholarship: The Nepalese government provides scholarships to international students for undergraduate and postgraduate studies in Nepal. It pays for housing, tuition, and a monthly stipend.

16. Bhutan Government Scholarship: The Bhutanese government offers scholarships to Bhutanese and international students for undergraduate and postgraduate studies in Bhutan. It pays for living expenses, housing, and tuition.

17. Sri Lanka Government Scholarship: The Sri Lankan government offers scholarships for international students to pursue undergraduate and postgraduate studies in Sri Lanka. It provides a monthly stipend, housing, and tuition.

18. Bangladesh Government Scholarship: The Bangladesh government provides scholarships to international students for undergraduate and postgraduate studies in Bangladesh. Living expenses, housing costs, and tuition are all covered.

19. Mongolia Government Scholarship: The Mongolian government offers scholarships to international students for undergraduate and postgraduate studies in Mongolia. It includes housing, tuition, and a monthly stipend.

20. Pakistan Government Scholarship: The Pakistani government provides scholarships to Pakistani and international students for undergraduate and postgraduate studies in Pakistan. It pays for living expenses, housing, and tuition.

Criteria for Scholarships in Asia

Scholarships in Asia

The criteria for scholarships in Asia vary depending on the specific scholarship program and the institution offering it. However, there are some common criteria that many scholarships in Asia may require applicants to meet. Here are some typical criteria:

  • Academic Excellence: Many scholarship programs in Asia require applicants to demonstrate outstanding academic achievement, usually by maintaining a high GPA or equivalent academic performance in their previous studies.
  • Field of Study: Some scholarships are specific to particular fields of study or academic disciplines. Applicants may need to demonstrate their interest and proficiency in a certain area of study relevant to the scholarship.
  • Nationality: Some scholarships are open only to citizens of certain countries or regions. Others may have specific requirements or preferences regarding the nationality or residency status of applicants.
  • Language Proficiency: Depending on the language of instruction at the host institution, applicants may need to demonstrate proficiency in a certain language, typically English, through standardized language tests such as the TOEFL or IELTS.
  • Financial Need: While not always a requirement, some scholarship programs may prioritize applicants who demonstrate financial need, especially for scholarships that aim to support students from disadvantaged backgrounds.
  • Leadership and Extracurricular Activities: Many scholarships value applicants who have demonstrated leadership skills, involvement in extracurricular activities, and a commitment to community service or volunteer work.
  • Research Experience: For postgraduate scholarships or research-focused programs, applicants may need to demonstrate previous research experience, publications, or involvement in research projects relevant to their field of study.
  • Recommendation Letters: Scholarship applications often require letters of recommendation from teachers, professors, or employers who can attest to the applicant’s academic abilities, character, and potential for success.
  • Personal Statement or Essay: Applicants may be asked to submit a personal statement or essay outlining their academic and career goals, reasons for applying to the scholarship program, and how they intend to support their community or area of study.
  • Interview: Some scholarship programs may require applicants to participate in an interview as part of the selection process. During the interview, applicants may be asked to discuss their academic background, career aspirations, and suitability for the scholarship.

Are Scholarships in Asia Fully Paid?

Scholarships in Asia

Scholarships in Asia vary in terms of their coverage and benefits, so whether they are fully paid depends on the specific scholarship program. Some scholarships in Asia, known as full scholarships or fully-funded scholarships, typically cover tuition fees, accommodation, living expenses, and sometimes even travel costs. These scholarships provide comprehensive financial support to recipients, allowing them to pursue their studies without worrying about financial constraints.

However, not all scholarships in Asia are fully paid. Some scholarships may cover only partial tuition fees or provide stipends for living expenses without covering other costs such as accommodation or travel. Additionally, some scholarships may require recipients to contribute financially or seek additional funding sources to cover any remaining expenses.

It’s essential for prospective applicants to carefully review the terms and conditions of each scholarship program to understand what expenses are covered and what financial support is provided. By doing so, applicants can make informed decisions about which scholarships to apply for and ensure that they have adequate funding to pursue their academic goals in Asia.

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Is Language a Barrier for Securing Scholarships in Asia?

Language proficiency can sometimes be a factor in securing scholarships in Asia, but it is not always a barrier. The language requirements for scholarships in Asia vary depending on the specific program and the language of instruction at the host institution.

In many cases, scholarships in Asia that are offered in English-speaking countries or institutions may require applicants to demonstrate proficiency in English through standardized language tests such as the TOEFL or IELTS. This is particularly true for programs in countries like Singapore, Malaysia, India, the Philippines, and Hong Kong, where English is commonly used as the medium of instruction.

However, for scholarships in non-English-speaking countries in Asia such as China, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan, proficiency in the local language may be required, especially for programs taught in the local language. In such cases, applicants may need to demonstrate proficiency in languages such as Mandarin Chinese, Japanese, Korean, or Taiwanese.

While language proficiency requirements may present a challenge for some applicants, many scholarship programs offer language training or preparatory courses to help students improve their language skills before or during their studies. Additionally, some scholarships may have English-taught programs or options for applicants who do not meet the language requirements initially.

Overall, while language proficiency may be a consideration for securing scholarships in Asia, it is not necessarily a barrier, especially with the availability of language support programs and options for English-taught courses in many institutions across the region. Prospective applicants should carefully review the language requirements of each scholarship program and take steps to meet or improve their language skills as needed.

How to Find Scholarships in Asia

Finding scholarships in Asia requires diligent research and proactive engagement. Here’s a guide on how to find scholarships in Asia:

1. Online Scholarship Databases: Utilize online scholarship databases and search engines dedicated to listing scholarships available in Asia. Websites like, ScholarshipPortal, and Study Abroad Scholarships provide comprehensive databases of scholarships offered by various organizations, universities, and governments across Asia.

2. University Websites: Explore the websites of universities and colleges in Asia, as they often provide information about scholarships available to international students. Check the financial aid or scholarship sections of university websites for details on eligibility criteria, application procedures, and deadlines.

3. Government Scholarship Programs: Many governments in Asia offer scholarships to international students to study in their countries. Visit the official websites of government scholarship programs, such as the China Scholarship Council, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), or Korea Government Scholarship Program (KGSP), to learn about available opportunities and application requirements.

4. Embassy Websites: Check the websites of Asian embassies or consulates in your home country for information on scholarship programs offered to international students. Embassies often promote government-sponsored scholarships and may provide guidance on the application process.

5. Professional Associations: Explore scholarship opportunities offered by professional associations, foundations, or nonprofit organizations in your field of study. Many associations provide scholarships to support students pursuing degrees related to their industry or profession.

6. Social Media and Forums: Follow scholarship providers, universities, and organizations on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to stay updated on scholarship announcements, deadlines, and application tips. Engage with online forums and communities dedicated to scholarships and higher education to network with other students and share information.

7. Networking: Reach out to professors, academic advisors, alumni, and professionals in your field who may have information about scholarships in Asia. Attend academic conferences, workshops, and events to network with potential scholarship sponsors and learn about funding opportunities.

8. Local Scholarship Offices: Contact the scholarship or financial aid offices at universities in your home country to inquire about scholarships available for study in Asia. They may have information on exchange programs, study abroad scholarships, or partnerships with Asian institutions.

9. International Organizations: Explore scholarship programs offered by international organizations such as the United Nations, World Bank, Asian Development Bank, or Fulbright Program, which may support study and research opportunities in Asia.

10. Research Institutes and Think Tanks: Investigate scholarship opportunities offered by research institutes, think tanks, and policy organizations in Asia that focus on your area of interest. These organizations may offer fellowships or research grants to support academic pursuits.

To conclude, scholarships in Asia offer invaluable opportunities for students to pursue their academic aspirations and expand their horizons. With a wide range of scholarship programs available across various countries and fields of study, aspiring scholars have the chance to access quality education, gain valuable experiences, and contribute to their communities and beyond. Whether it’s fully-funded scholarships covering all expenses or partial scholarships providing financial assistance, these opportunities empower individuals to achieve their goals and make a positive impact in the world.

As you embark on your scholarship journey in Asia, remember to carefully research each program, understand its eligibility criteria and benefits, and prepare a strong application that showcases your academic achievements, personal qualities, and aspirations for the future. With determination, perseverance, and the right support, the doors to academic excellence and success are within reach.


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