Over 250 Bible Tests and Trivia, Online Questions and Answers

Bible tests and trivia are derived from the Bible, a sacred and revered text for millions around the globe that serves as a profound source of spiritual guidance, moral lessons, and historical narratives. Engaging in Bible tests and trivia not only tests one’s knowledge but also opens a door to the rich tapestry of stories, characters, and teachings that have shaped cultures and beliefs for centuries.

Ultimately, Bible tests and trivia are not merely an assessment of factual recall; they’re an exploration of faith, ethics, and the human condition. Participants, whether seasoned theologians or curious learners, find themselves immersed in the timeless narratives that continue to shape religious beliefs and cultural values. The quiz becomes a bridge connecting past and present, encouraging reflection on the enduring relevance of the Bible’s teachings in the contemporary world.

Bible Tests and Trivia

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The benefits of Bible Tests and Trivia

Bible tests and trivia combine components of education, spiritual contemplation, and community interaction, offering a variety of advantages. There are several benefits to taking Bible tests and trivia:

  1. Spiritual Knowledge and Understanding: Bible tests and trivia are useful tools for improving one’s comprehension of the Bible on a spiritual level. By interacting with a variety of biblical readings, tales, and lessons, participants expand their understanding of the text.
  2. Memory Retention:  Memory of important passages, occasions, and lessons is encouraged by quizzes. This helps keep important information so that it is easily available for introspection and application on a personal level.
  3. Encouragement of Frequent Bible Study: Bible tests and trivia serve as a motivator for consistent Bible study. Those who take quizzes frequently discover that they are more driven to study the Scriptures regularly.
  4. Community Building: Taking Bible tests and trivia helps believers feel more connected to one another. People congregate to share their knowledge, experiences, and thoughts, whether in a study group, church, or online.
  5. Reflection on Personal Faith: Bible tests and trivia prompt individuals to reflect on their personal faith journey. Questions may delve into moral teachings, ethical dilemmas, and spiritual principles, encouraging participants to consider how these apply to their lives. 
  6. Motivation for Personal Growth: By participating in bible tests and trivia, individuals set personal goals for spiritual growth. Whether it’s memorizing specific verses or gaining a more profound understanding of certain books, quizzes provide a structured framework for progress.

Bible Tests and Trivia

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250 Questions of Bible Tests and Trivia

  1. Bible Tests and Trivia Question: What is the first book of the Bible?

Answer: Genesis

  1. Bible Tests and Trivia Question: Who was the first king of Israel?

Answer: Saul

  1. Bible Tests and Trivia Question: Which prophet was swallowed by a big fish?

Answer: Jonah

  1. Bible Tests and Trivia Question: What is the last book of the New Testament?

Answer: Revelation

  1. Bible Tests and Trivia Question: How many plagues were inflicted upon Egypt?

Answer: Ten

  1. Bible Tests and Trivia Question: Who was known as the “wisest man” in the Bible?

Answer: Solomon

  1. Bible Tests and Trivia Question: What is the shortest verse in the Bible?

Answer: John 11:35 – “Jesus wept.”

  1. Bible Tests and Trivia Question: Which disciple famously denied knowing Jesus three times?

Answer: Peter

  1. Bible Tests and Trivia Question: Who led the Israelites across the Jordan River into the Promised Land?

Answer: Joshua

  1. Bible Tests and Trivia Question: What is the first miracle performed by Jesus in the New Testament?

Answer: Turning water into wine (at the wedding in Cana)

  1. Bible Tests and Trivia Question: Who was the mother of Samuel in the Bible?

Answer: Hannah

  1. Bible Tests and Trivia Question: What instrument did David play to soothe King Saul?

Answer: Harp

  1. Bible Tests and Trivia Question: Which prophet saw a valley of dry bones come to life?

Answer: Ezekiel

  1. Bible Tests and Trivia Question: What is the significance of the number 40 in the Bible (e.g., 40 days and 40 nights)?

Answer: Testing or probation period (e.g., Noah’s flood, Moses on Mount Sinai)

  1. Bible Tests and Trivia Question: Who was the great-grandmother of King David?

Answer: Ruth

  1. Bible Tests and Trivia Question: What was the name of the tax collector called by Jesus to be his disciple?

Answer: Matthew (or Levi)

  1. Bible Tests and Trivia Question: Which Old Testament character is famous for his patience and endurance?

Answer: Job

  1. Bible Tests and Trivia Question: What is the shortest book in the New Testament?

Answer: Philemon

  1. Bible Tests and Trivia Question: In the parable of the Prodigal Son, what did the younger son ask for before leaving?

Answer: His share of the inheritance

  1. Bible Tests and Trivia Question: Who wrote most of the Psalms in the Bible?

Answer: King David

  1. Question: On the fourth day of creation, what did God create?

Answer: Sun, moon, and stars

  1. Question: Who was the first martyr in the New Testament?

Answer: Stephen

  1. Question: What is the central theme of the Sermon on the Mount delivered by Jesus?

Answer: The Kingdom of God

  1. Question: Which prophet is known for his visions of a valley full of dry bones coming to life?

Answer: Ezekiel

  1. Question: What was the name of the place where Jesus was crucified?

Answer: Golgotha (Calvary)

  1. Question: Who was John the Baptist’s father?

Answer: Zechariah

  1. Question: In which gospel do we find the parable of the Good Samaritan?

Answer: Luke

  1. Question: Who wrote the majority of the Pauline epistles in the New Testament?

Answer: The Apostle Paul

  1. Question: What was the first miracle Jesus performed?

Answer: Turning water into wine at a wedding in Cana

  1. Question: Who was the disciple who doubted Jesus’ resurrection until he saw and touched His wounds?

Answer: Thomas

  1. Question: Which Old Testament character was known for his strength and long hair?

Answer: Samson

  1. Question: Who was the Roman governor who sentenced Jesus to be crucified?

Answer: Pontus Pilate

  1. Question: In the story of the Tower of Babel, what did the people try to build?

Answer: A tower to reach the heavens

  1. Question: Which prophet saw a chariot of fire and horses of fire?

Answer: Elijah

  1. Question: What is the first commandment given by God in the Ten Commandments?

Answer: You shall have no other gods before me.

  1. Question: Who was the first high priest of Israel?

Answer: Aaron

  1. Question: What is the name of the garden where Adam and Eve lived?

Answer: Eden

  1. Question: What city did Jonah try to flee to instead of going to Nineveh?

Answer: Tarshish

  1. Question: Who was the author of the Book of Revelation?

Answer: John

  1. Question: What is the famous quote from Psalm 23 about God being our shepherd?

Answer: “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.”

  1. Question: Who was the first king anointed by the prophet Samuel?

Answer: Saul

  1. Question: In the New Testament, who was known as the “doubting disciple”?

Answer: Thomas

  1. Question: Which Old Testament figure spent three days and nights in the belly of a great fish?

Answer: Jonah

  1. Question: What did God provide for the Israelites in the wilderness?

Answer: Manna

  1. Question: Who interpreted the dreams of Pharaoh in Egypt?

Answer: Joseph

  1. Question: What did Jesus say is the greatest commandment in the Law?

Answer: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind.

  1. Question: Who wrote the majority of the Psalms in the Bible?

Answer: King David

  1. Question: What river did John the Baptist baptize Jesus in?

Answer: The Jordan River

  1. Question: Which apostle is often referred to as the “beloved disciple”?

Answer: John

  1. Question: What is the name of the disciple who betrayed Jesus with a kiss?

Answer: Judas Iscariot

  1. Question: Who was the mother of John the Baptist?

Answer: Elizabeth

  1. Question: In the parable of the sower, what does the seed represent?

Answer: The word of God

  1. Question: What miracle did Jesus perform by the Sea of Galilee, involving a great catch of fish?

Answer: The miraculous catch of fish

  1. Question: Who wrote the Book of Acts in the New Testament?

Answer: Luke

  1. Question: What did God instruct Noah to put in the ark during the flood?

Answer: Two of every kind of living creature

  1. Question: Which disciple walked on water briefly with Jesus?

Answer: Peter

  1. Question: Who was the Old Testament prophet who confronted King David about his sin with Bathsheba?

Answer: Nathan

  1. Question: What was the occupation of the apostle Paul before his conversion?

Answer: Tentmaker

  1. Question: Which Old Testament book tells the story of Esther?

Answer: The Book of Esther

  1. Question: What did Moses use to part the Red Sea?

Answer: God’s divine intervention; Moses stretched out his hand

  1. Question: What is the significance of the number 12 in the Bible (e.g., 12 tribes of Israel, 12 disciples)?

Answer: It often represents completeness or perfection.

  1. Question: Who was the prophetess who recognized the baby Jesus as the Messiah in the temple?

Answer: Anna

  1. Question: In the story of Daniel and the Lions’ Den, what happened to those who conspired against Daniel?

Answer: They were thrown into the lions’ den and devoured.

  1. Question: Which city is known as the birthplace of Jesus?

Answer: Bethlehem

  1. Question: Who was the father of King Solomon?

Answer: David

  1. Question: In the New Testament, what was the occupation of Matthew before becoming a disciple?

Answer: Tax collector

  1. Question: Which Old Testament figure had a coat of many colors?

Answer: Joseph

  1. Question: What is the shortest verse in the Old Testament?

Answer: 1 Chronicles 1:25 – “Eber.”

  1. Question: Who wrote the Gospel of Mark?

Answer: John Mark

  1. Question: In the story of the Good Samaritan, who passed by the injured man before the Samaritan helped him?

Answer: A priest and a Levite

  1. Question: Which disciple did not follow Jesus after working as a tax collector?

Answer: Matthew (or Levi)

  1. Question: What is the significance of the burning bush in the story of Moses?

Answer: It symbolizes the presence of God and His call to Moses.

  1. Question: Who wrote the majority of the Proverbs in the Bible?

Answer: Solomon

  1. Question: In the parable of the prodigal son, what did the son ask for before leaving his father’s house?

Answer: His share of the inheritance

  1. Question: What was the name of the woman at the well whom Jesus spoke to in the Gospel of John?

Answer: Samaritan woman (or Photine)

  1. Question: Whoever stated, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life”?

Answer: Jesus (John 3:16)

  1. Question: What did Jesus say is the second greatest commandment?

Answer: Love your neighbor as yourself.

  1. Question: Which disciple cut off the ear of the high priest’s servant during Jesus’ arrest?

Answer: Peter

  1. Question: In the Book of Acts, who was the first Gentile convert to Christianity?

Answer: Cornelius

  1. Question: Which mountain did Moses receive the Ten Commandments from, and what is its name?

Answer: Mount Sinai

  1. Question: Who was the wife of Isaac and the mother of Esau and Jacob?

Answer: Rebekah

  1. Question: What is the significance of the number 7 in the Bible?

Answer: It represents completeness or perfection.

  1. Question: In the New Testament, who was known for his preaching and baptizing in the wilderness?

Answer: John the Baptist

  1. Question: Which Old Testament figure led the Israelites into the Promised Land after the death of Moses?

Answer: Joshua

  1. Question: Who was the woman who poured expensive perfume on Jesus’ feet and wiped them with her hair?

Answer: Mary of Bethany

  1. Question: What was the name of the birthplace of Jesus?

Answer: Bethlehem

  1. Question: Which disciple was known as the “Son of Thunder”?

Answer: James (son of Zebedee)

  1. Question: Which Old Testament book is the last one?

Answer: Malachi

  1. Question: In the parable of the talents, how many talents did the master give to each of his servants?

Answer: To one, five talents; to another, two talents; and to another, one talent.

  1. Question: Who was the first king of Israel anointed by the prophet Samuel?

Answer: Saul

  1. Question: What is the name of the river that Naaman had to dip in seven times to be healed?

Answer: The Jordan River

  1. Question: Which Old Testament character was thrown into a den of lions but survived?

Answer: Daniel

  1. Question: What was the name of the man who helped Jesus carry the cross?

Answer: Simon of Cyrene

  1. Question: In the story of the Good Samaritan, who were the two religious figures that passed by without helping the injured man?

Answer: A priest and a Levite

  1. Question: Who was the Roman centurion whose servant was healed by Jesus?

Answer: The Centurion at Capernaum

  1. Question: In the Book of Acts, who was present at the stoning of Stephen and later converted to Christianity?

Answer: Saul (later known as Paul)

  1. Question: What is the name of the disciple who doubted Jesus’ resurrection until he saw Him?

Answer: Thomas

  1. Question: Which Old Testament prophet was taken up to heaven in a whirlwind?

Answer: Elijah

  1. Question: In the New Testament, what was the occupation of Lydia, who became a follower of Paul?

Answer: Seller of purple fabrics

  1. Question: Where was Jesus crucified, and what was its name?

Answer: Golgotha (Calvary)

Question: Who was the mother of the twins Esau and Jacob?

Answer: Rebekah

  1. Question: In the Book of Exodus, what did Moses use to perform miracles before Pharaoh?

Answer: Staff (rod)

  1. Question: Which prophet had a vision of a valley filled with dry bones coming to life?

Answer: Ezekiel

  1. Question: What was the name of the man who replaced Judas Iscariot as one of the twelve apostles?

Answer: Matthias

  1. Question: Which king of Israel wrote many of the Psalms in the Bible?

Answer: David

  1. Question: What is the opening line of the Lord’s Prayer as spoken by Jesus?

Answer: “Our Father who art in heaven…”

  1. Question: Who was the high priest at the time of Jesus’ crucifixion?

Answer: Caiaphas

  1. Question: In the Old Testament, who was the first woman created?

Answer: Eve

  1. Question: Which prophet spoke about a new covenant that God would make with His people?

Answer: Jeremiah

  1. Question: What did the magi (wise men) bring as gifts to the baby Jesus?

Answer: Gold, frankincense, and myrrh

  1. Question: What is the name of the disciple who betrayed Jesus with a kiss?

Answer: Judas Iscariot

  1. Question: Which Old Testament character famously wrestled with God?

Answer: Jacob

  1. Question: What is the fruit that Adam and Eve ate in the Garden of Eden?

Answer: The forbidden fruit, often depicted as an apple

  1. Question: Who was the author of the Book of Revelation?

Answer: John (the Apostle)

  1. Question: In the New Testament, what was the profession of the apostle Paul before his conversion?

Answer: Tentmaker

  1. Question: Which prophet was known for his encounters with fiery chariots and horses?

Answer: Elijah

  1. Question: Who was the king that wrote the Book of Proverbs?

Answer: Solomon

  1. Question: Which woman in the Bible became a judge and prophetess?

Answer: Deborah

  1. Question: What is the name of the valley where David famously defeated Goliath?

Answer: The Valley of Elah

  1. Question: In the New Testament, who was converted on the road to Damascus after encountering a bright light?

Answer: Saul (later known as Paul)

  1. Question: Which disciple walked on water towards Jesus but began to sink?

Answer: Peter

  1. Question: In the Old Testament, what was the name of the giant defeated by David with a sling and a stone?

Answer: Goliath

  1. Question: Who was the king of Israel who built the first temple in Jerusalem?

Answer: Solomon

  1. Question: Which mountain did Moses receive the Ten Commandments from, and what is its name?

Answer: Mount Sinai

  1. Question: In the parable of the lost sheep, how many sheep did the shepherd leave to find the one that was lost?

Answer: Ninety-nine

  1. Question: Who was the prophet who saw a handwriting on the wall during Belshazzar’s feast?

Answer: Daniel

  1. Question: What is the name of the river in which John the Baptist baptized people?

Answer: The Jordan River

  1. Question: In the New Testament, who was known for being a physician?

Answer: Luke

  1. Question: Which disciple was a fisherman by trade before becoming a follower of Jesus?

Answer: Peter (Simon Peter)

  1. Question: What is the title given to the first four books of the New Testament?

Answer: The Gospels

  1. Question: Who was the father of John the Baptist and a priest in the temple?

Answer: Zechariah

  1. Question: What city was Paul on his way to when he had a dramatic encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus?

Answer: Damascus

  1. Question: In the Old Testament, what was the name of the prophet who spoke to a talking donkey?

Answer: Balaam

  1. Question: Which Old Testament figure is famous for his dream interpretations in Egypt?

Answer: Joseph

  1. Question: What was the name of the woman who became a judge and delivered Israel from oppression?

Answer: Deborah

  1. Question: In the New Testament, who was the mother of Timothy?

Answer: Eunice

  1. Question: What was the name of the man who helped bury Jesus’ body in his tomb?

Answer: Joseph of Arimathea

  1. Question: Which Old Testament character is known for his wisdom and building the Temple in Jerusalem?

Answer: Solomon

  1. Question: What did Jesus use to feed a multitude with five loaves of bread and two fish?

Answer: A miracle

  1. Question: In the Book of Acts, who was the first Gentile convert baptized by Peter?

Answer: Cornelius

  1. Question: What is the significance of the rainbow in the story of Noah’s Ark?

Answer: It is a sign of God’s covenant not to flood the earth again.

  1. Question: In the New Testament, what is the name of the disciple who betrayed Jesus?

Answer: Judas Iscariot

  1. Question: Who was the prophetess who dedicated her life to serving in the temple and recognized the baby Jesus as the Messiah?

Answer: Anna

  1. Question: What is the name of the mountain where Elijah confronted the prophets of Baal?

Answer: Mount Carmel

  1. Question: In the parable of the sower, what does the seed represent?

Answer: The word of God

  1. Question: Who was the Israelite judge known for his strength, which was linked to his uncut hair?

Answer: Samson

  1. Question: What is the significance of the number 40 in the Bible (e.g., 40 days and 40 nights)?

Answer: It often symbolizes a period of testing or trial.

  1. Question: Who was the first prophet of Israel and a mentor to both Saul and David?

Answer: Samuel

  1. Question: What did Jesus turn water into at the wedding in Cana?

Answer: Wine

  1. Question: In the Old Testament, who was swallowed by a great fish and later spat out on dry land?

Answer: Jonah

  1. Question: Who was the king of Israel when Jesus was born?

Answer: Herod the Great

  1. Question: Which disciple is traditionally credited with writing the Gospel of John?

Answer: John (the Apostle)

  1. Question: What is the name of the river where Naaman was instructed to dip seven times to be healed?

Answer: The Jordan River

  1. Question: In the Old Testament, who was the father of the twelve tribes of Israel?

Answer: Jacob (Israel)

  1. Question: Who was the prophet that anointed both Saul and David as kings of Israel?

Answer: Samuel

  1. Question: What is the shortest verse in the New Testament?

Answer: John 11:35 – “Jesus wept.”

  1. Question: Which Old Testament book tells the story of Ruth and Naomi?

Answer: The Book of Ruth

  1. Question: Who was the Ethiopian eunuch baptized by in the Book of Acts?

Answer: Philip

  1. Question: What is the term for the lifting up of Jesus on the cross?

Answer: Crucifixion

  1. Question: In the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector, who went home justified before God?

Answer: The tax collector

  1. Question: Which prophet had a vision of a chariot of fire and horses of fire?

Answer: Elijah

  1. Question: What city did Jonah try to flee to instead of going to Nineveh?

Answer: Tarshish

  1. Question: Who was the first king of Israel?

Answer: Saul

  1. Question: In the New Testament, what is the name of the hill where Jesus was crucified?

Answer: Golgotha (Calvary)

  1. Question: Who was the Israelite judge known for his leadership against the Midianites and his fleece tests?

Answer: Gideon

  1. Question: What is the name of the valley where the Battle of David and Goliath took place?

Answer: The Valley of Elah

  1. Question: In the parable of the ten virgins, what were they waiting for?

Answer: The arrival of the bridegroom

  1. Question: Which Old Testament figure is known for his patience during a time of great suffering?

Answer: Job

  1. Question: Which Old Testament book is the last one?

Answer: Malachi

  1. Question: Who was the servant girl who pointed out Peter as one of Jesus’ followers during His trial?

Answer: Another servant girl at the high priest’s house

  1. Question: Who was the judge of Israel known for his long hair, which gave him strength?

Answer: Samson

  1. Question: In the Book of Acts, who was the first apostle to perform a miracle after the ascension of Jesus?

Answer: Peter

  1. Question: Which Old Testament prophet was known for his prophecies about the coming Messiah, including the suffering servant passages?

Answer: Isaiah

  1. Question: What is the name of the city where Jesus was born?

Answer: Bethlehem

  1. Question: In the New Testament, what did Jesus say is the greatest commandment?

Answer: With all of your heart, soul, and mind, love the Lord, your God.

  1. Question: Who was the king who ordered the decree to kill all the male infants in Bethlehem during the time of Jesus’ birth?

Answer: Herod the Great

  1. Question: Which Old Testament figure is known for his ark-building in preparation for a flood?

Answer: Noah

  1. Question: In the story of the woman caught in adultery, what did Jesus say to the crowd who wanted to stone her?

Answer: “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.” (John 8:7)

  1. Question: Who was the prophetess who judged Israel and led them in battle against the Canaanites?

Answer: Deborah

  1. Question: In the New Testament, who was the tax collector who climbed a sycamore-fig tree to see Jesus?

Answer: Zacchaeus

  1. Question: What is the name of the sea that was miraculously parted by God for the Israelites to escape from the Egyptians?

Answer: The Red Sea

  1. Question: Who was the disciple who denied Jesus three times before the rooster crowed?

Answer: Peter

  1. Question: In the Book of Acts, who was the Roman centurion who had a vision and sent for Peter?

Answer: Cornelius

  1. Question: Which Old Testament character was known for his great wealth and wisdom?

Answer: Solomon

  1. Question: Who was the king who sought to kill the baby Jesus, leading to the Holy Family’s escape to Egypt?

Answer: Herod the Great

  1. Question: What is the name of the disciple who was a physician and accompanied Paul on some of his missionary journeys?

Answer: Luke

  1. Question: In the New Testament, who was the brother of Martha and Mary, whom Jesus raised from the dead?

Answer: Lazarus

  1. Question: Which is the New Testament’s first book?

Answer: Matthew

  1. Question: Who was the prophet who was swallowed by a great fish after attempting to flee from God’s command?

Answer: Jonah

  1. Question: In the Old Testament, what is the name of the mountain where Moses received the Ten Commandments?

Answer: Mount Sinai

  1. Question: Who was the prophet who confronted King David about his sin with Bathsheba?

Answer: Nathan

  1. Question: What is the name of the river where John the Baptist baptized people?

Answer: The Jordan River

  1. Question: In the Old Testament, who was the youngest son of Jacob and Rachel?

Answer: Benjamin

  1. Question: What was the name of the man who replaced Judas Iscariot as one of the twelve apostles?

Answer: Matthias

  1. Question: Who was the disciple who doubted Jesus’ resurrection until he saw Him?

Answer: Thomas

  1. Question: Which Old Testament book contains the story of Esther?

Answer: The Book of Esther

  1. Question: In the parable of the prodigal son, what did the son ask for before leaving his father’s house?

Answer: His share of the inheritance

  1. Question: Who was the king of Babylon who saw the writing on the wall during Belshazzar’s feast?

Answer: Belshazzar

  1. Question: In the New Testament, who was the Roman governor who sentenced Jesus to be crucified?

Answer: Pontus Pilate

  1. Question: What is the name of the mountain where Elijah confronted the prophets of Baal?

Answer: Mount Carmel

Bible Tests and Trivia

  1. Question: Who was the Old Testament prophet known for his visions of an apocalyptic nature?

Answer: Daniel

  1. Question: In the New Testament, who was the mother of James and John?

Answer: Salome

  1. Question: What is the name of the pool in Jerusalem where Jesus healed a man who had been lame for 38 years?

Answer: Bethesda

  1. Question: Who was the servant of Abraham that accompanied him and Isaac to Mount Moriah?

Answer: Eliezer of Damascus

  1. Question: What is the title given to the first five books of the Old Testament?

Answer: Pentateuch

  1. Question: In the Old Testament, who was the grandson of Ruth and Boaz, and the father of Jesse?

Answer: Obed

  1. Question: What is the name of the garden where Jesus prayed before His arrest?

Answer: Gethsemane

  1. Question: Who was the prophet who spoke of a “suffering servant” in the Old Testament?

Answer: Isaiah

  1. Question: In the New Testament, who was a tentmaker by trade and a companion of the apostle Paul?

Answer: Aquila

  1. Question: Which New Testament book is the last one?

Answer: Revelation

  1. Question: Who was the brother of Moses and served as the high priest in Israel?

Answer: Aaron

  1. Question: In the New Testament, what was the profession of the Apostle Paul before his conversion?

Answer: Tentmaker

  1. Question: Which Old Testament prophet had a vision of a valley of dry bones coming to life?

Answer: Ezekiel

  1. Question: What is the name of the city where Jesus performed His first public miracle by turning water into wine?

Answer: Cana

  1. Question: In the parable of the Good Samaritan, who were the two individuals who passed by without helping the wounded man?

Answer: A priest and a Levite

  1. Question: Who was the disciple known for his close friendship with Jesus and for leaning on Jesus’ chest during the Last Supper?

Answer: John (the Apostle)

  1. Question: Which Old Testament figure led the Israelites into the Promised Land after Moses’ death?

Answer: Joshua

  1. Question: In the New Testament, what is the name of the man who was healed by Peter and John at the Beautiful Gate of the temple?

Answer: The lame beggar (Acts 3)

  1. Question: What is the name of the city where Jesus was arrested before His crucifixion?

Answer: Jerusalem

  1. Question: Who was the Pharisee who came to Jesus by night to inquire about spiritual matters?

Answer: Nicodemus

  1. Question: In the Old Testament, who was the king who wrote many of the Psalms?

Answer: David

  1. Question: What is the name of the mountain where Jesus was transfigured in the presence of Peter, James, and John?

Answer: Mount Hermon

  1. Question: Who was the Old Testament character who endured great suffering, losing his wealth, health, and family?

Answer: Job

  1. Question: In the New Testament, who was the Roman centurion who declared, “Truly, this man was the Son of God!” at the crucifixion of Jesus?

Answer: Centurion at the cross

  1. Question: Which Old Testament prophet was known for his poetry and lamentations over the destruction of Jerusalem?

Answer: Jeremiah

  1. Question: What is the name of the garden where Jesus was arrested?

Answer: Gethsemane

  1. Question: In the New Testament, who was the apostle known for his doubt and later exclamation, “My Lord and my God!”?

Answer: Thomas

  1. Question: Who was the king of Israel when the Ark of the Covenant was returned from the Philistines?

Answer: David

  1. Question: In the Old Testament, who was the man who led the Israelites after the death of Moses?

Answer: Joshua

  1. Question: What is the name of the mountain where Abraham was instructed to sacrifice his son Isaac?

Answer: Mount Moriah

  1. Question: Who was the woman who anointed Jesus’ feet with costly perfume and wiped them with her hair?

Answer: Mary of Bethany

  1. Question: In the New Testament, who was the disciple known for his betrayal of Jesus for 30 pieces of silver?

Answer: Judas Iscariot

  1. Question: Which Old Testament figure was known for his wisdom and for building the Temple in Jerusalem?

Answer: Solomon

  1. Question: What is the name of the hill where Jesus was crucified?

Answer: Golgotha (Calvary)

  1. Question: In the parable of the talents, how many talents were given to the servant who received the least?

Answer: One

  1. Question: Who was the Israelite judge known for his unbreakable Nazirite vow, including not cutting his hair?

Answer: Samson

  1. Question: In the New Testament, who was the Roman centurion who declared, “Truly this man was the Son of God!”?

Answer: Centurion at the crucifixion

  1. Question: What is the name of the tax collector who climbed a tree to see Jesus and later hosted Him at his home?

Answer: Zacchaeus

  1. Question: Which Old Testament prophet was known for his visions of a future temple and a valley of dry bones coming to life?

Answer: Ezekiel

  1. Question: In the story of the Good Samaritan, who were the two individuals who passed by without helping the injured man?

Answer: A priest and a Levite

  1. Question: Who was the king of Israel that wrote many of the Psalms?

Answer: David

  1. Question: In the New Testament, who was the Pharisee who came to Jesus by night to inquire about spiritual matters?

Answer: Nicodemus

  1. Question: Which mountain did Moses receive the Ten Commandments from, and what is its name?

Answer: Mount Sinai

  1. Question: Who was the woman at the well whom Jesus spoke to in the Gospel of John?

Answer: Samaritan woman (or Photine)

  1. Question: In the Old Testament, who was the prophet who called down fire from heaven to consume a sacrifice?

Answer: Elijah

  1. Question: Who was the king of Babylon who saw the writing on the wall during Belshazzar’s feast?

Answer: Belshazzar

  1. Question: In the Book of Acts, who was the first Gentile convert baptized by Peter?

Answer: Cornelius

  1. Question: What is the name of the valley where David defeated Goliath?

Answer: The Valley of Elah

  1. Question: In the New Testament, who was the first Gentile convert baptized by Philip?

Answer: The Ethiopian eunuch

  1. Question: Which Old Testament prophet had a vision of a new heaven and a new earth?

Answer: Isaiah


Finally, Bible tests and trivia are dynamic tools that promote spiritual knowledge enrichment, community participation, and personal development. These tests are essential in making the complex lessons of the Bible approachable, entertaining, and applicable in the lives of believers—whether as a way to enhance comprehension, encourage the consistent study, or foster relationships within a community. People develop their critical thinking abilities, memory retention, and introspective thinking through the process of answering questions, in addition to their biblical knowledge.

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