
Caltech Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURF) 2024


The Caltech Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURF) program is presented to you by the California Institute of Technology, a prestigious and rigorous opportunity for undergraduate students to engage in prominent research. Established in 1979, the SURF program allows students to work closely with California Institute of Technology (Caltech) faculty, contributing to ongoing research projects across various scientific and engineering disciplines.


This program is designed to provide students with hands-on experience in research methodologies, create critical thinking, and enhance problem-solving skills. Through SURF, students not only gain valuable insights into their fields of interest but also build strong foundations for future academic and professional pursuits in science and technology.

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The success of Caltech Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURF) program hinges significantly on the support of a diverse group of sponsors. These sponsors include the university itself, alumni, private donors, foundations, corporate partners, and government agencies. Each sponsor plays a critical role in providing the resources necessary for SURF to offer high-impact research opportunities to undergraduate students, thereby ensuring the program’s sustainability and growth.
Central to Caltech Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships support structure is California Institute of Technology and its various academic departments. Caltech allocates a portion of its budget specifically to sustain the SURF program, underscoring the institution’s commitment to undergraduate research and education. Additionally, individual departments within Caltech provide funding for SURF projects, directing their resources towards research initiatives that align with their academic goals and areas of study. This internal support is essential in maintaining a robust framework for the program.
Alumni and private donors also constitute a significant source of funding for SURF. Many alumni contribute to the program as a way to give back to the institution that helped shape their careers. These donations often come in the form of endowed fellowships, which provide continuous funding for future generations of SURF students. Such endowments frequently honor the legacies of donors or reflect their personal interests and professional experiences, ensuring a lasting impact on the program.
Foundations and non-profit organizations further bolster the Caltech Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships by funding specific research projects or student fellowships. These foundations often have focused missions that align with the educational and research goals of SURF. For instance, the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, known for its support of scientific research and education, is a prominent example of a foundation that aligns its resources with programs like SURF.
Non-profit organizations dedicated to advancing STEM education also provide critical support, enabling students to engage in innovative research that might otherwise lack funding. Corporate partners form another essential group of SURF sponsors. Many corporations see value in supporting academic research that aligns with their own research and development goals. By sponsoring SURF projects, companies can directly contribute to the advancement of technology and innovation in fields relevant to their industries.
Technology firms, aerospace companies, and biotech corporations are particularly notable for their involvement, often sponsoring students whose research projects have the potential to benefit their sectors. Government agencies also play an important role in supporting Caltech Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships through grants and funding for research projects with significant scientific, technological, or societal implications. Federal and state grants from agencies such as the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) provide crucial financial support.
These grants not only facilitate the execution of research projects but also enable undergraduate researchers to gain hands-on experience in federally funded research, thereby enhancing their educational and professional development. The sponsors of Caltech Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURF) are integral to the program’s success. Through their financial contributions and support, these sponsors ensure that students have access to valuable research opportunities and resources.
This diverse network of sponsors including the university, alumni, private donors, foundations, corporate partners, and government agencies reflects a collective commitment to advancing scientific knowledge and nurturing the next generation of leaders in research and technology. Their generosity enables Caltech Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships to continue offering transformative research experiences, helping students to achieve their academic and professional aspirations at Caltech.


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The Cost of Caltech Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURF)

The cost of Caltech Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURF) varies depending on several factors, including the number of students participating, the duration of the program, and the scope of research projects. However, the primary expenses associated with SURF typically include stipends for participating students, faculty mentorship, research materials and equipment, and administrative support.
Stipends for Students: One of the significant costs of the Caltech Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships is providing stipends for participating undergraduate students. These stipends are intended to cover living expenses during the research period, allowing students to focus on their projects without the need for additional employment. The amount of the stipend may vary from year to year and may be influenced by factors such as the cost of living in the area and available funding.
Faculty Mentorship: Caltech invests in faculty mentorship to ensure that SURF participants receive guidance and support throughout their research projects. This may involve compensating faculty members for their time and expertise, as well as providing resources for mentorship activities such as regular meetings, research seminars, and academic supervision.
Research Materials and Equipment: Research projects undertaken as part of SURF often require specialized materials, equipment, and access to laboratory facilities. These expenses may include purchasing supplies, instrumentation, software licenses, and other resources necessary to conduct experiments, analyze data, and produce research outcomes.
Administrative Support: Administrative support is essential for managing the logistics of the SURF program, including application processing, project selection, participant enrollment, and program coordination. This may involve funding for administrative staff, office space, communications, and other operational expenses.
Funding Sources: The cost of SURF is typically covered through a combination of funding sources, including university funds, external grants, donations from alumni and private donors, corporate sponsorships, and government agencies. Caltech’s commitment to undergraduate research and education ensures that adequate resources are allocated to support the SURF program and provide valuable research opportunities for students.

Activities of Caltech’s Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURF)

Caltech Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships

Caltech’s Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURF) offer a dynamic array of activities designed to provide students with immersive research experiences, mentorship opportunities, and professional development. These activities aim to establish intellectual curiosity, enhance technical skills, and cultivate a sense of community among participants. Here are some of the key activities typically included in the SURF program:
1. Research Projects:
  • Independent Research: SURF participants engage in hands-on research under the mentorship of esteemed Caltech faculty members. They work on individual or collaborative projects spanning various scientific and engineering disciplines.
  • Experimental Work: Students have access to state-of-the-art laboratories, equipment, and facilities to conduct experiments, gather data, and analyze results.
  • Theoretical Investigations: Some projects involve theoretical modeling, computational simulations, or data analysis techniques to explore complex scientific phenomena.
2. Mentorship and Advising:
  • Faculty Mentors: Each SURF participant is paired with a faculty mentor who provides guidance, expertise, and support throughout the research process. Mentors offer valuable insights, feedback, and direction to help students succeed in their projects.
  • Graduate Student Mentors: In addition to faculty mentors, students may receive mentorship from graduate student researchers who offer practical advice, assistance with experimental techniques, and insights into academic and research careers.
3. Seminars and Workshops:
  • Research Seminars: SURF participants attend seminars, colloquia, and presentations by faculty members, visiting scholars, and fellow researchers. These events provide exposure to cutting-edge research topics, interdisciplinary perspectives, and emerging trends in science and technology.
  • Professional Development Workshops: Workshops on research skills, scientific communication, academic writing, and career planning are offered to help students develop essential competencies for success in academia and beyond.
4. Networking and Community Building:
  • Social Events: SURF organizes social gatherings, networking receptions, and community-building activities to foster connections among participants, mentors, and guest speakers. These events provide opportunities for informal interactions, collaboration, and friendship.
  • Research Symposia: At the conclusion of the program, SURF participants present their research findings at symposia, poster sessions, or colloquia attended by faculty, peers, and members of the scientific community. These presentations allow students to showcase their work, receive feedback, and engage in scholarly discourse.
5. Outreach and Engagement:
  • Public Outreach: SURF participants may engage in outreach activities aimed at promoting science literacy, inspiring K-12 students, and fostering enthusiasm for STEM disciplines. These activities may include classroom visits, science fairs, and community events.
  • Media and Communication: Some students have the opportunity to share their research experiences and findings through blogs, social media posts, press releases, or interviews with journalists. This helps to raise awareness of the SURF program and highlight the impact of undergraduate research.

How to Signup for Caltech Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURF)

Signing up for Caltech Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURF) involves a structured application process. Here’s a general overview of the steps typically required to apply for SURF:
1. Review Eligibility Criteria: Before applying, review the eligibility criteria for SURF. Typically, applicants must be current undergraduate students in good academic standing.
2. Explore Research Opportunities: Explore the available research opportunities and projects offered through SURF. Caltech typically provides a list of faculty mentors and their research interests on the SURF program website.
3. Select a Research Project: Choose a research project or projects that align with your academic interests, career goals, and prior experience. Consider reaching out to potential faculty mentors to discuss project opportunities and determine compatibility.
4. Prepare Application Materials: Gather the necessary application materials, which may include:
  • Personal information (name, contact details, academic history)
  • Resume or curriculum vitae (CV)
  • Statement of purpose or research interests
  • Academic transcripts
  • Letters of recommendation (usually from faculty members)
  • Any additional documents or essays required by the application
5. Submit Application: Complete and submit the online application form for SURF. Be sure to follow all instructions carefully and provide accurate information. Pay attention to application deadlines, as late submissions may not be accepted.
6. Await Notification: After submitting your application, await notification from the SURF program regarding the status of your application. This may take several weeks, depending on the application review process.
7. Acceptance and Project Assignment: If accepted into the SURF program, you will receive notification of your acceptance and information about your assigned research project, faculty mentor, and other relevant details.
8. Prepare for Participation: Once accepted, make any necessary arrangements for housing, transportation, and other logistics if participating in an on-campus SURF program. Prepare to engage fully in your research project and take advantage of the opportunities provided by the SURF program.
9. Participate in SURF: Engage in your research project, attend seminars, workshops, and other SURF activities, and make the most of your summer research experience at Caltech.
10. Conclude and Present Research: At the conclusion of the program, present your research findings at a symposium, poster session, or colloquium. This is an opportunity to showcase your work and share your insights with the academic community.
11. Reflect and Follow-Up: Reflect on your SURF experience, consider the impact on your academic and professional goals, and follow up with your faculty mentor and peers as appropriate. Consider future research opportunities or academic pursuits based on your SURF experience.

Is There Any Fee to be Paid by Participants of Caltech Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURF)?

Caltech Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships

Participants of Caltech Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURF) do not typically need to pay any fees to participate in the program. SURF is designed to provide undergraduate students with valuable research experiences without financial barriers. Instead of charging fees, Caltech often provides stipends to SURF participants to cover living expenses during the research period.
Additionally, participants may have access to research facilities, equipment, mentorship, and other resources at no cost. However, participants may be responsible for their own housing, transportation, and personal expenses during the program, but financial assistance or accommodations may be available depending on the specific circumstances and funding available. Overall, SURF aims to support students in their pursuit of research opportunities and academic growth without imposing financial burdens.
In summary, Caltech Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURF) offer an exceptional opportunity for undergraduate students to immerse themselves in advanced research, benefit from mentorship by esteemed faculty, and acquire essential skills for their academic and professional futures. Through active experimentation, collaborative projects, and access to quality facilities, SURF participants gain invaluable insights into their chosen fields and contribute significantly to the advancement of scientific knowledge.
By providing financial support, mentorship, and a nurturing environment, SURF exemplifies Caltech’s dedication to excellence in undergraduate education and research, nurturing the upcoming generation of scientific leaders and innovators.

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