
70+ Best Bible Quizzes for Kids with Answers

Bible quizzes for kids is an engaging and instructive tool designed to assess and improve youngsters’ knowledge of the Bible. Including multiple-choice questions, true/false statements, and fill-in-the-blank prompts, the test covers a variety of topics related to the Bible, including significant events, well-known people, and moral lessons.

These interactive bible quizzes for kids are designed to help youngsters gain a deeper understanding of biblical stories and ideals while also offering them a fun way to expand their knowledge and grow their spirituality.

Bible Quizzes for Kids

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Benefits of Bible Quizzes for Kids

  1. Biblical Knowledge:

The introduction of Bible quizzes for kids through important Bible tales, figures, and lessons helps them build a solid basis for their faith.

  1. Memory Retention:

Kids can more readily recall key biblical principles when they respond to questions that help strengthen memory retention.

  1. Critical Thinking:

Children are prompted to consider the moral and ethical implications of the Bible by the thought-provoking questions that are frequently included in the quizzes.

  1. Fun Learning:

Kids are more likely to stay interested and engaged when learning is made fun, and quizzes’ interactive and entertaining qualities contribute to this.

  1. Social Interaction:

Bible quizzes for kids can be conducted in group settings, promoting social interaction and collaborative learning among children.

  1. Faith Formation:

Regular exposure to Bible quizzes contributes to the formation and strengthening of a child’s faith, helping them develop a personal connection with biblical teachings.

  1. Values Reinforcement:

Quizzes often focus on moral lessons and values, reinforcing positive behaviors and ethical principles derived from the Bible.

  1. Skill Development:

Taking quizzes improves your ability to read comprehension, analyze critically, and solve problems.

  1. Good Habits:

Taking part in frequent Bible quizzes can help develop good reading and studying habits that will support a lifetime of spiritual activities.

All things considered, children’s Bible quizzes offer a comprehensive instructional method that skillfully blends spiritual and academic content.

Bible Quizzes for kids

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How Can Kids Engage in Bible Quizzes for Kids?

Bible quizzes for kids can be played by kids in a variety of entertaining and interactive ways. Bible quizzes for kids are a common feature of Sunday schools and churches’ educational offerings. Bible quizzes are a great way for families to add some fun and relaxation to their gaming nights at home.

Interactive Bible quizzes for kids with aesthetically appealing questions and fast responses are available on a plethora of websites and apps that are tailored exclusively for children. Making a Bible study club or joining one with other children offers a cooperative setting for taking tests. Examine educational applications that gamify learning and concentrate on Bible knowledge. By holding quizzes at home, parents may foster active engagement with their kids and enhance family ties. During the holidays, a lot of churches host Vacation Bible Schools (VBS), which feature engaging activities like Bible quizzes.

Encourage participation in local or regional Bible quizzes for kids competitions to motivate kids to prepare, excel, and interact with peers who share similar interests. By integrating Bible quizzes into various aspects of a child’s life, whether at church, home, or through digital platforms, kids can engage with the Bible in a fun and educational way, fostering a positive connection with biblical teachings.

Here’s a compilation of Bible quizzes for Kids and Answers, suitable for kids

  1. Bible quizzes for kids’ Question: Who built an ark to save his family and two of every kind of animal?

Answer: Noah

  1. Bible quizzes for kids’ Question: Which prophet faced a giant named Goliath with just a sling and five stones?

Answer: David

  1. Bible quizzes for kids’ Question: Who was swallowed by a big fish but survived after praying to God?

Answer: Jonah

  1. Bible quizzes for kids’ Question: Who was the baby found by Pharaoh’s daughter in a basket among the reeds?

Answer: Moses

  1. Bible quizzes for kids’ Question: What river did the Israelites cross to escape from Egypt?

Answer: The Red Sea

  1. Bible quizzes for kids’ Question: Which man had many sons, but his favorite was given a coat of many colors?

Answer: Jacob (Joseph’s father)

  1. Bible quizzes for kids’ Question: Who led the Israelites around Jericho, causing its walls to fall after seven days?

Answer: Joshua

  1. Bible quizzes for kids’ Question: Which prophet saw a vision of a valley of dry bones coming to life?

Answer: Ezekiel

  1. Bible quizzes for kids’ Question: What was the name of the first woman created by God?

Answer: Eve

  1. Bible quizzes for kids’ Question: Who was the first king of Israel, chosen by the people?

Answer: Saul

  1. Question: What was the occupation of Jesus’ earthly father, Joseph?

Answer: Carpenter

  1. Question: Which disciple famously denied knowing Jesus three times before the rooster crowed?

Answer: Peter

  1. Question: Who were the two disciples with Jesus during the Transfiguration?

Answer: Peter and John

  1. Question: Who was the tax collector who went up a tree to see Jesus by name?

Answer: Zacchaeus

  1. Question: Who was the Roman centurion who recognized Jesus as the Son of God at His crucifixion?

Answer: Centurion at the cross

  1. Question: Which disciple doubted Jesus’ resurrection until he saw Him?

Answer: Thomas

  1. Question: What is the title given to the four books of the Bible that tell the story of Jesus’ life?

Answer: The Gospels

  1. Question: Who was chosen to replace Judas Iscariot as one of the twelve disciples?

Answer: Matthias

  1. Question: What miraculous event happened at Pentecost, empowering the disciples?

Answer: The coming of the Holy Spirit

  1. Question: Who wrote many letters (epistles) in the New Testament to various churches?

Answer: The Apostle Paul

  1. Question: Which Bible book is the first?

Answer: Genesis

  1. Question: In the Ten Commandments, what is the command about honoring your parents?

Answer: Honor your father and mother.

  1. Question: What is the shortest verse in the Bible?

Answer: John 11:35 – “Jesus wept.”

  1. Question: What is the fruit that Adam and Eve ate in the Garden of Eden?

Answer: The forbidden fruit (often depicted as an apple)

  1. Question: How many days and nights did it rain during the flood when Noah was on the ark?

Answer: 40 days and 40 nights

  1. Question: Who was the brother of Mary and Martha, whom Jesus raised from the dead?

Answer: Lazarus

  1. Question: What did Jesus turn water into at the wedding in Cana?

Answer: Wine

  1. Question: In the Lord’s Prayer, what do we ask God to give us each day?

Answer: Our daily bread

  1. Question: Which Bible book is the last one?

Answer: Revelation

  1. Question: What is the greatest commandment, according to Jesus?

Answer: With all of your heart, soul, and mind, love the Lord, your God.

  1. Question: Who, after being tricked into slavery by his envious brothers, rose to become the monarch of Egypt?

Answer: Joseph

  1. Question: What did God provide for the Israelites in the wilderness to eat?

Answer: Manna

  1. Question: Who was the woman judge of Israel who led the people in a victory song?

Answer: Deborah

  1. Question: What was the name of the city where David became king and established it as his capital?

Answer: Jerusalem

  1. Question: Who was the strong man whose strength came from his uncut hair?

Answer: Samson

  1. Question: Which prophet had a talking donkey?

Answer: Balaam

  1. Question: Who was the queen in the story of Esther who helped save the Jewish people?

Answer: Queen Esther

  1. Question: What were the names of the three friends who were thrown into the fiery furnace but survived?

Answer: shedrack, Meshach, and Abednego

  1. Question: Who was the young shepherd who became a giant slayer with just a sling? Watch video

Answer: David

  1. Question: What was the name of the river where Moses was placed in a basket as a baby?

Answer: The Nile River

Bible Quizzes for Kids

  1. Question: Who were the first disciples called by Jesus to follow Him?

Answer: Peter and Andrew

  1. Question: What kind of tree did Zacchaeus climb to see Jesus?

Answer: A sycamore tree

  1. Question: What was the name of the man who helped Jesus carry the cross?

Answer: Simon of Cyrene

  1. Question: What was the food that Jesus multiplied to feed thousands of people?

Answer: Loaves and fishes

  1. Question: Who was the woman who poured expensive perfume on Jesus’ feet and wiped them with her hair?

Answer: Mary of Bethany

  1. Question: What did Jesus use to heal a blind man by putting mud on his eyes?

Answer: Clay

  1. Question: How many loaves of bread and fish did a boy have when Jesus fed the multitude?

Answer: Five loaves and two fish

  1. Question: What did Jesus use to calm the storm when He was in a boat with His disciples?

Answer: His words (He rebuked the wind and the waves.)

  1. Question: Who was the tax collector who climbed a tree to see Jesus?

Answer: Zacchaeus

  1. Question: What did Jesus turn into wine at a wedding in Cana?

Answer: Water

  1. Question: What is the name of the garden where Jesus prayed before His arrest?

Answer: Gethsemane

  1. Question: Of the Ten Commandments, which is the first?

Answer: You shall have no other gods before me.

  1. Question: Who was the man who built an ark to survive the flood?

Answer: Noah

  1. Question: How many days and nights was Jonah in the belly of the big fish?

Answer: Three days and three nights

  1. Question: Which mountain did Moses receive the Ten Commandments from, and what was its name?

Answer: Mount Sinai

Bible Quizzes for kids

  1. Question: Who was the first king of Israel?

Answer: Saul

  1. Question: Which is the New Testament’s fifth book?

Answer: Acts

  1. Question: Who was the disciple that Jesus loved and leaned on His chest during the Last Supper?

Answer: John

  1. Question: What was the name of the angel who visited Mary and told her she would have a son?

Answer: Gabriel

  1. Question: What animal spoke to Balaam in the Old Testament?

Answer: A donkey

True or False Questions:

  1. Question: True or False: David killed Goliath with a slingshot.

Answer: True

  1. Question: True or False: Jesus was born in Nazareth.

Answer: False (He was born in Bethlehem.)

  1. Question: True or False: Moses led the Israelites across the Red Sea on dry land.

Answer: True

  1. Question: True or False: The wise men visited Jesus in the stable on the night of His birth.

Answer: False (They visited later in a house.)

  1. Question: True or False: Samson’s strength came from his long hair.

Answer: True

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  1. Question: True or False: Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead.

Answer True

  1. Question: True or False: Jonah was swallowed by a whale.

Answer: False (It was a big fish)

  1. Question: True or False: Solomon was the youngest son of David.

Answer: False

  1. Question: True or False: Mary and Joseph were married before Jesus was born.

Answer: False

  1. Question: True or False: The disciples caught a miraculous amount of fish when Jesus told them to cast their nets on the other side.

Answer: True

Bible Quizzes for Kids


To sum up, Bible quizzes for kids are engaging resources that promote a greater comprehension of faith and morals. Through the integration of interactive learning, memory reinforcement, and social interaction, these tests support children’s overall development.

The pleasant aspect of the quizzes fosters a lifelong connection to spiritual practices while imparting biblical information and positive habits and abilities. In the end, these tests are extremely important in forming a child’s basic comprehension of the Bible and encouraging the moral principles it teaches.


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